I Know Nothing

How is it that my existential crises are always brought on by nothing more than my annual succumbing to the common cold? I’ve been fighting it off the last few days, and as usual I’m also fighting with the doubting, pessimistic stress monster that lives in my brain.

Fortunately he can only break through during times of mild illness, but he turns me into such a little bitch asking annoying nagging questions like:

  • Why didn’t I pay more attention in school? This career path sucks.
  • Why do the Mets always start giving up runs as soon as I put the game on?
  • What’s the appropriate noise level to complain about neighbor noise? They’re always outside talking shit to each other. Never really late or early, but It’s annoying as fuck.
  • What the fuck was I thinking signing a thirty year loan, and why didn’t I look up the term “market fluctuation”?
  • How will I get through another day without killing half of my co-workers?
  • Why do I keep watching Game Of Thrones? Should of stopped after the red wedding.

There’s a million others, but this is boring already. Anyway, I’m usually pretty care free, but colds always bring out my inner little bitch. It’s like a male period, except that it totally isn’t. Sorry ladies, I should know better than to assume I know anything about that. I feel like Jon Snow because I literally know nothing…. Shit, not a good time to compare myself to Jon Snow. 

Well, off to drown my sorrows in hot tea and the on coming assault of whys and what the fucks that play in a repeat loop as I try to sleep.


4 thoughts on “I Know Nothing

  1. When I get a mildness illness, like a cold or sinus infection, I begin to wonder if I’ll ever get better and I quickly forget what it feels like to be healthy. I think I would prefer my pitfall over yours – I would go insane questioning my life while sick and unable to do anything about it. Everything just seems so much worse and your brain gets all foggy and muddled. Not a good time to be regretting taking out a loan!


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