It’s Early

It’s early. Very early for me. 5:06am. Couldn’t sleep, so I’ll try blogging. My head space for writing (if you could even call this writing) is the daydream zone. That’s where I was for awhile in bed a few minutes ago. Mulling over dreams I just dreamt until real life spoiled the fun, and I was replaying the clusterfuckery at work yesterday. So, I decided to move from bed to couch, and attempt to maintain whatever magical mental state of grace that I have assigned blogging time to.

The dream I had was odd and random. The Lady and I were in Coney Island ready to ride the famous Cyclone roller coaster, but decided to stop for drinks first. The nice gamer girl bartender brings our drinks, and says “$15.50”. I throw down $20 and she says “Oh, that was for just the one”. $15.50 for one drink!? Well we were just aghast. Aghast I tell you! That was it for the dream. Never made it to the Cyclone.

It’s quiet here sans the Indie music channel playing softly. Someone named Jamie xx is singing a trippy electronica based song called Loud Spaces. Ironic because it’s helping to create a relaxed and quiet space. Despite the title it’s very easy listening. Not my preferred genre, but it’s good to look outside the box sometimes. 

So, I can’t sleep now, but with the trippy music, and my comfy couch I’ll be sure to nod off 5 minutes before I have to get up for work. Happens all the time when I can’t sleep. I get restless in bed, come down to the couch, and screw around with WordPress or watch Sportscenter until my brain powers down right when it needs to power up. I do okay on limited sleep tho. Maybe an extra cup of coffee, and I’m good to go.

I like having the quiet early hours to myself once in awhile. It’s rare because I love to sleep until the last possible second before I need to get ready. But, when that’s not possible I take the occasional insomniatic morning as unexpected free time, and usually I feel pretty good about it despite the lack of sleep.

I feel ok now. I’ll be asleep soon, and I’ll be awake again soon. And I’ll have lots of coffee….. Soon.

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