Word Press People Problems

Blargh, I thought I had an average aptitude for internet navigation, but Word Press is kicking my ass. Is it me, or does it make simple things like getting up a profile pic much more difficult than necessary? I had to create a “Gravatar” profile to get the pic up. Strange. This Gravatar thing also makes other stuff like trying to follow people challenging too because there’s not always a link or follow bar. Maybe they’re trying to weed out dummies like me, but word Press really needs to simplify IMO. I’ve got to go figure out how to to change the website that pops up under my pic to Word Press instead of Tumblr. I don’t even know how or why it did that. *Lots of sighs…. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get back to actual writing.


9 thoughts on “Word Press People Problems

  1. hahahaha
    When I had to create the damn Gravatar I had the biggest issue finding a pic that fitted their requirements.
    I guess you figured everything out because I can see your WP link instead of a Tumblr.


    • Well, luckily I picked one that didn’t need too much cropping. First one I tried came out sideways, and cropping was impossible. As for the link, it was still showing up tumblr on one particular notification, bur word press everywhere else. Weird site. It’s like half web deisigning, half writing.


      • That’s why I stick to one theme only. I wanted to change the look of mine, but I would have to design a new header and that’s a pain. And regular readers are used to the format so makes no sense to change things.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Usually, you don’t use gravatar to follow people. You should be able to follow people on their blog without it. Hmm, maybe there’s a bug in the picture uploading, because when I did it, there weren’t any problems. Either that or you just need to take your time. With every new platform, there’s a learning curve. Just don’t rush it 🙂


  3. My issue about following is that when I see a post in my reader, I like to preview that blogger’s site instead of following off one post. Problem is that clicking the Gravatar doesn’t take you there, and there doesn’t seem to be any other easy way to get to someone’s site from the reader. Maybe it’s an iOS thing (I’m on an ipad). My frustration is that I’m spending too much time figuring out tech stuff and I just wanna write.


  4. I don’t understand how to navigate it either! I like to pretend gravatar doesn’t exist, because it is beyond me! I have also been trying to change the ‘slogan’ on my blog opening page, because the ‘I’ in ‘I’m’ isn’t a capital, yet I don’t know how to change it! It’s driving me insane.


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