Hey Work, WTF!?

Hi blogland! This post is where I complain and drop an F bomb or two about my job. I know listening to others bitch and complain about work isn’t always fun, but it’s my poorly thought out blog, and you’ve been warned. If you’d rather read about cupcake recipes and Nobama, now’s your chance. Still there? Okay lucky reader, enjoy my misery. 

Now, I’m not normally a complainer, but today was insane. Started with another forklift driver and I trying to unload 60 pallets off a truck while having an incompetent and condescending senior manager create safety hazards and slow down the process while wasting his payroll by adding four more people to a process that was previously done in half the time by just two of us. Eh, his problem, not mine.

I also pulled a match sized splinter out of a co-workers back, and watched another manager purposely force a delivery driver to stand out in the rain getting drenched. 

At the end of the day, a guy who had been there two days ended his shift by cursing out a supervisor. Something about sweeping the “mother fuckin” floor.

Also, my direct boss’s last day is tomorrow, but his boss (the asshole senior manager) doesn’t know. Would love to be a fly on the wall when he finds out because fuck him, that’s why. Oh, and someone made a major complaint to HR about him, so tommorow will be interesting. 

Luckily my co-workers are all pretty cool, and some of us went out after, and had a What The Fuck sesh over some $2.50 beers. That was fun. 

Interesting day.


I’m Not A Bad Guy…. At Work

I do some pretty shitty things during the course of any given work day, and I’d like to take a moment to confess my transgressions here. No, I’m not looking for absolution, and I’m certainly not sorry. In fact, some of these things are even done in secret, so they’re just petty victimless crimes anyway. I’m not a bad guy really! Anyway, here are the horrible totally normal things that I totally feel justified in doing at work:

*I contradict, argue with, or ignore everything the annoying guy says regardless of content. Hey man, you’re a professional fuck up who doesn’t get normal social cues. It’s my way of creating distance. Seriously, I’m almost out of ways to say “Fuck off!” without actually saying “Fuck off!”.
*If you’re new, I won’t know you’re name for at least two weeks regardless of how many times I ask what it is. If I’m aware that I’ve asked, and forgotten, I’ll avoid calling you by name, and try to listen out for other people saying it. If I arbitrarily think you’re name doesn’t fit you, or I just don’t like it, add at least one more week for me to learn it. And, if I think you look like a name that’s not yours, I will constantly call you that for the rest of our working relationship.
*Superiors who piss me off are secretly serenaded in my head to the tune of the The Thunder Buddies Song from the movie Ted. “Fuck you (insert name here) you can suck my dick!”
*If you talk to me about your kids or pets I will nod and “Hmm” the whole time while making a mental shopping list, and trying to remember if I remembered to set my dvr.
*Never admit to any wrong doing. This ain’t my first rodeo.

That’s it I guess . Not too bad. I thought the list would be longer, but I just remembered what’s on the dvr. Gotta run!
